Renovation Etiquette Tips

How to minimise the overall impact of your project

We’ve all been there… A lazy Sunday morning that’s interrupted by the roar of a power drill at 6am. The fact is, renovating can be a noisy affair and a little consideration and leeway on both sides of the fence is the only antidote to this real-life issue. Here’s how to minimise the overall impact of your outdoor renovation and score big with your neighbours...

KEEP NOISE AND INTERRUPTIONS TO A MINIMUM: Excessive construction noise emitted outside your local council's permitted times, is one of the most common causes of neighbourly disputes during construction. Find out the exact rules in your area, and if you want to go an extra step further, you could find out if your neighbours have any shift workers in the home or are dealing with the stress of a newborn baby. Although you’re not obliged to work around their schedule, your neighbours are sure to appreciate the extra consideration. Also, be sure your builder doesn’t impact a neighbour’s right to things like walkways or driveways, and be mindful of rubbish and dust.

DO THINGS BY THE BOOK: Building regulations, permits and processes are there for a reason – and they’re especially helpful when you don’t have a close relationship with your immediate neighbours. It’s as simple as being sure all builders and tradespeople involved with your job are insured, and your builder has also displayed a sign showing details of the people involved in the project and any necessary permits. 

On that note – whether your job requires a council development application (DA) or is classified as an exempt development (please check your local regulations), keeping neighbours informed is always the right thing to do. Your local LYSAGHT LIVING® dealer is able to expertly advise you on what to do for your project, in your particular region.

HAVE A CONVERSATION: As described above, if your outdoor addition is classified as exempt from a necessary DA, this becomes a prime opportunity to be proactive and engage your neighbours for a quick chat. You’ll find it helpful to have information including the projected length of the job, how they’ll be impacted and if a building surveyor has been called in to assess any potential structural impact to their property. If a quick chat with your neighbour is easier said than done, then a simple letter personally delivered or dropped in their mailbox will do the job. At the end of the day, the act of respecting your neighbour’s right to enjoy peace and security at home should see them return the gesture to you.

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