Renovation Blunders!

Beware of these common mistakes made during outdoor renovations

Unfortunately, even the most eager home renovation projects can fall victim to some very common drawbacks. Never fear, take note of this list to avoid adding stress to your next undertaking...

SKIPPING INITIAL PLANNING: In the first stages of an outdoor home addition, avoid the temptation to cut corners in planning. The best renovations always have a clear plan which specifies your budget and timeline—be sure the agreement with your contractor lines up and is signed by all parties.

POOR QUALITY DOCUMENTATION: Whether you’re building a sprawling deck or outdoor gazebo, your project’s plans or drawings don’t just benefit you. They also detail what you have in mind to every person that’s involved with the job. Obviously, the higher quality they are—the better, as you’ll bypass many instances of having to repeatedly explain an aspect of your project. Your local LYSAGHT LIVING® dealer will always provide professionally-drawn plans that utilise the latest design software technology as part of their service.

BUYING BEFORE BUILDING: In a similar vein to going light on planning, the initial rush of your project can lure you into purchasing furniture or appliances before measurements are taken and confirmed. You might think you’ve bagged a once-in-a-lifetime discount, but that grand 12-seater outdoor dining set isn’t going to feel so exclusive when it simply won’t fit inside your new outdoor patio or garden gazebo. Savvy renovators will always wait until construction is well underway or finished before placing that final touch of furniture.

RENOVATING TO YOUR PERSONAL TASTE: But isn’t that the point of renovating? While style is important, applying an extremely individual or ostentatious design finish to your project can affect your home’s overall appeal to a potential buyer. Even if renovating for profit isn’t one of your key goals, bear in mind the effect of your design choices, especially for such visible add-ons like a backyard gazebo. Choosing an option that you love, which also appeals to a variety of other tastes will benefit you in the long run.

USING UNLICENSED TRADES: We’re all for DIY for smaller tasks, but when it comes to areas like plumbing, electrical work and asbestos removal, only a licensed professional will do. However small a job may appear, there’s no reason to risk danger to speed up your project or save a few dollars.

To get a quote on your next gazebo, click here